Arctic Butt route is now ready and rest of the last arrangements are going forward…

It’s already that time of the year when we will be heading NORTH soon.
This years ride’s route is now ready and all other arrangements going on….
We have already done most of these winter rides on previous years 2010 and 2011.
ICE BUTT: 1000 mile / 24h IBA ride where one corner point must be on Polar Circle.
POLAR BUTT: 1000 mile / 24h IBA ride where one corner point must be on Polar Circle and star or finishing point Norkapp.
Now we but challenge on ultimate level
ARCTIC BUTT: 1000 mile / 24h IBA ride where whole route will be above Polar Circle and southern corner point on Polar Circle.
How we cone succeed ???? That you can found out here…..

There will be more information available later on these pages. SO be tuned…..

DW logo Arctic Butt

DW logo Arctic Butt

Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Arctic Butt route SS 1000 to year 2012 is ready and we will be all the time above Arctic Circle so it’ll be demanding challenge. Year 2011 ride we had -30C lets see what we will run to this year ???

This event will be first 1000 mile ride on motorbike in 24 hours time frame above  Arctic Circle in Thermal winter on this Globe.



Dusty Wobbls is arranging again some ultimate ride for world toughest ADVENTURE riders as usual more than 1000 mile less than 24 hours will be ride at 17-18 February 2012.

Route will be launched north of Polar Circle and southern point will be on Polar Circle Rovaniemi.

ICE BUTT 2010 Polar Circle

ICE BUTT 2010 Polar Circle